TRANAIR++ is a leading tool for aerodynamic and multi-disciplinary design. Developed by the Boeing company, Tranair++ has been used heavily on commercial transport designs since the 777-200. Business jet companies have started using Tranair++ as well and are pleased with the accuracy and productivity Tranair enables. More importantly, Tranair++ enables these companies to optimize the airplane as a system including: weight, fuel volume, manufacturing limitations, skin thickness, maintenance access as well as aerodynamics

TRANAIR++ Development

TRANAIR++ development began under contract with NASA as afeasibility study in April of 1984. The technology to analyze transonic flow with a uniform orthogonal field grid was developed under this initial contract. Further development under a second NASA contract led to the development of grid refinement techniques. Today TRANAIR++ is a fully functional analysis and design tool with continued development in design, adaptive grid refinement, coupled boundary layer and design capability.


TRANAIR++ Technology

The heart of Tranair++ is an adaptive cartesian full potential solver coupled with a viscous boundary layer model. Adaptive grid reduces grid dependency and the full potential solver provides robust and accurate solutions for flows with mild separation in the transonic regime. The design module in Tranair++ allows direct optimization of multi-point designs with multi-disciplinary constraints. This allows aircraft to be optimized for the entire flight profile and for that optimization to be balanced by multi-disciplinary constraints such as weight or skin thickness. Using Tranair++, several companies have dramatically reduced the amount of time it takes to develop a competitive aircraft by reducing cycle time while increasing performance.

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